Monday, January 28, 2008

Week 4: Trends and Issues, Social Bookmarking

1) I think social bookmarking is Fabulous. I have always done my Favorites and added my sites to there, but being able to access those favorites anywhere and share them with anyone is great. It is an answer to my prayers. I do work on a lot of different computers and instead of trying to google the website (because I can't remember the 1,800 word url) I just pull up my and it is all right there at the tip of your finger. I am so excited to have this now and who knows how long it has been out there and I have had no clue. As for teacher to teacher or student to teacher or all the other endless possibilities, I feel social bookmarking is our first step in research and sharing. Instead of everyone doing their own seperate research that would take hours and hours, you can look into everyone elses research. Someone might have already weeded out the certain subject you are researching or you might be the one to do the weeding. But in the long run there will be less weeding by all since we can share our research in such an easy way.

2)I agree with the definition proposed in the Trends and Issues text. Since I have kind of worked a little backwards, I have taken a few class in our program already and have learned a great deal. Especially, about new ed tech resources and systematic instructional design pieces. Now if you would have asked this question to me a few months ago, I probably would have had more of a blank expression of I don't know. But now I feel much more confident in the information that this definition entails. There was nothing that jumped out at me in this chapter and I am not sure if anything is missing; however, I feel this would be a great question for your graduates of this program as they look back after all they have learned and can then maybe understand what is missing or that they hit it right on the nose. So until futher notice I think the definition is great.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Address

Wiki Reflection - Week 3

I love the Wiki, and its’ name. With the help of the tutorials, I thought the Wiki was very easy to navigate. We had a little problem with a group member not being able to access the Group Page, but I believe that was solved. It was just like setting up a page on Word with pictures and words. I also liked the simplicity of connecting the links to the site.
As for the use in a classroom setting, I feel it would be a fabulous addition to keeping communication lines open for students, staff, and parents. You could set up a Wiki for your school or as a teacher and make separate pages for each class you teach. Everyone could see your unit/lesson plans, homework, pictures of the students work or the students working, exemplary projects, helper links for homework, and activity ideas for home or even extra credit. The possibilities are endless. Students and parents could post ideas or questions. You could even have student created pages were they could upload their homework or activities they have completed. As for a school page, every teacher,administrator, and staff personnel could have their own page to highlight themselves and the work they are doing.
As for the Tim O'Reilly article, quite hard to understand all of the terms. But by using Wikipedia, I manage to get through it and gain more of an understanding to the Web 2.0. Not a full understanding but much better than when I started this class.
All in all I think it is a fairly easy educational technology tool that can be used by all.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

RSS Address

Here is my RSS address at least I think it is

Assignment 2 (5410) Cone and Compupter Imagination

I have heard all about the blogs, but have yet to try one until this class. Very easy set up. I am still playing around with it but it seems to be an easy user. The RSS is awesome. I have never heard of this and I absolutely love it. It is like research with out having to research. It is all there. I just started it so I can’t wait to play around more. It blows my mind how simple the set ups are for so many items in technology. It literally took me 5 seconds to set up the RSS. I love it.
I believe the RSS is a contrived experience because “It meaningfully summarizes and condenses a great deal of specific information, making the area of many square miles easy to see and comprehend.” (Dale, 1969) Not saying the RSS is covering square miles, but it covers the whole internet and reports to one page that you can receive all of the information you needed. Instead of spending hours searching the web, to where you would not even find a tenth of the information that the RSS has discovered.
I believe a blog is a direct, purposeful experience. You are writing it. You get to be the creator or the one experiencing whatever it is you are writing about. You get to decide what is to become of this blog, no one else but you. “Thus, our rich experiences, when they are of educational value, are not only enjoyable in themselves; they lead us purposefully to an objective, a goal. And to achieve that goal we are immediately involved in such experiences; we participate directly with responsibility for the outcome.” (Dale, 1969)
I think they could use the RSS as computer imagination because “It allows for sophisticated database searches and transactions: We can quickly find specific information.” (Siegel, 2003) Once we subscribe to certain feeds we will instantly be getting information fed back to use at a touch of a button. Again, the timeless effort to have all of the information on the internet, now streaming to you even faster then surfing the web. “It can create a community of users: Multiple people can access the same information and share ideas with no constraints on time or location.” (Siegel, 2003)
Computer imagination for a blog is that “It can disseminate information in a viral-like manner. Once someone places a catchy idea on the Web, that idea can easily and quickly spread through e-mail, instant messaging, and Web sites.” (Siegel, 2003) Once you get your information or ideas on the Web, anyone and everyone can see them and it starts a wave of other ideas from whoever reads the information. You can be in continuous contact with anyone that is on the Web.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Assignment 1 (5410) Postman

I totally agree with Postman on how students need technology, but they also need school to teach them how to use it. I am 25 so I have been using computers my whole life. Yes they make it so easy to do research but, it took me longer to complete a project because I was not sure if the information was credible. I feel the “time saver” is a great quality of technology and being able to type in a word and find exactly what you want is great. However, what about the quality of libraries and environment like Reigeluth and Joseph speak of? Getting out of the same old environment and looking through mounds of books for one item and stumbling upon heaps of extraordinary knowledge that you might pass up by using the computer. Speaking with people from other cultures can give you such an incite to their life instead of researching it on the computer. I guess it would have to be determined by how much time I have to complete my goal to decide on technology base or library base.

It is a scary and exhilarating thought when you think about changing our system from “time-based to an attainment-based system,” it “would represent a fundamental transformation of our educational systems,” according to Reigeluth and Joseph. All that transforming!!! I have a perfect example from our first day of school this week when our administration announced that we have switched our IEP (Individualized Education Plan) System for the third year in a row now. All you heard from just about every teacher was moans and groans. Yes, I agree it will be a pain, but the only reason we would be switching is because we found something faster, better, and hopefully less paperwork. It is a new thing we have to learn and implement, but sometimes I think educators forget we are educators, and an educator is a life long student in itself. That is a piece of the definition of education is learning, and educators have been learning for years. We just get to be apart of the most difficult and most surreal advances in our history with education. We are the ones who get to mold education and technology together for years to come.

I also agree with Reigeluth and Joseph that technology is helping educators with the question “How can a teacher help 30 children to all learn different things at different rates and in different ways utilizing authentic tasks?” Personal laptops, built in projectors, school wide TV programming, and the newest software is unbelievable at how we can reach each student and what can be implemented. Yes it is going to take time for teachers to adjust but the outcome is greater then what we began with. Being able to reach the different levels of teaching is also going to be a struggle, but the more heads the better and there will be a solution in the end.