Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Week 8: Ch 18 and Reflection

I think if we could use localization and internationalization in our teaching, it would make our teachers jobs so much easier. Imagine if we had Specialists to convert and/or incorporate our lessons to fit different cultures, races, languages, religions, and any other barriers that we need to adjust to. Or just make our lessons culturally free. We could concentrate on the main idea and let them go to work. What a dream! I thought the idea of having a specialist that makes products culture free or adapts the product to fit local cultures all over the world is awesome. I never realized how much a color on a product would make a difference to some cultures or the cursor on a computer. Not saying anything is wrong with that, but just little differences you don’t always think about and sometimes don’t even/ever realize you are doing it. It made me rethink about some of the things I do in my teachings. It is also a topic that I would love to do more research on now that I have read about how much of an effect it can have.

I think technology based training has taken business and industry to another level and I feel it would be a great time saver for education. I have to recertify in CPR, First Aide, AED, etc. every year. I know they still need to do hands on observation for some of the certification; however, I feel the rest of the information could be put into simulations or online training and go from there. It would free up time on instructors (since they are short instructors anyway) and it would allow for more easily accessible classes, save money on transportation, and less time for all staff to take the full certifications. I know there are more scenarios that can go with this information, but it is just a little of what I thought is a great idea for educators.

So far I have loved discovering all the new technology tools that you have assigned us. They have pretty easy to navigate, and if I did have trouble I usually kicked myself afterwards with a “duh” expression because I just missed something. When I did have questions I would try to contact someone that is online which didn’t always work but I love that option or I would email the instructor. Either way I quickly received help for anything that ailed me. I am excited to use the information. Some info (like the I would have loved to have years ago. Working on so many different computers it becomes annoying emailing and compiling all your favorite sites. Social book marking is awesome. As for the course, I think it is a great opener to the program. It gives you a little of everything to get warmed up, but isn’t to difficult to were you get scared away. I am excited to incorporate some of the new technology into our school website and my department website.

4 comments: said...

Hi, Jacqueline,
I enjoyed your discussion about internationalization in our curricula. At Baker, one of the main academic goals for all courses was global awareness - developers were required to implement it in each program, preferably at least once in each course. In our program, we approached this by having students study the history of massage, and it's status in other civilizations. Interestingly, we all learned that the U.S. has one of the least progressive outlooks in the world. Many other countries regard bodywork modalities as an integral part of their medical systems, or at least minimally recognize it as a bona fide allied health care profession. Incredible how much there is to learn from other cultures, and I agree this should be a priority.

trohrer said...


I think that this would be a great reaserch idea and would love to read teh findings. To be honest I never really thought about lessons being culture free. Once I started reading your reflection I begain thinking about how lessons in the past were not culturally free and it begain to become clear that most of the lessons that I see or even teach are not. I think that having a specialist would be very useful.

Unknown said...

I really like your first statement of, "I think if we could use localization and internationalization in our teaching, it would make our teachers jobs so much easier. Imagine if we had Specialists to convert and/or incorporate our lessons to fit different cultures, races, languages, religions, and any other barriers that we need to adjust to. Or just make our lessons culturally free". I totally feel the same way. If would make creating lesson plans so much easier if we had specialists waiting to help incorporate all views or only one international view to the lesson. We would be able to focus on our main idea and let them worry about who is ostracized by our comments. After reading this I also started to think about how many lessons are biased in one way or another. Think about the field day these specialist would of had 50 years ago.

Stacey Lee said...

I agree with you that online learning provides a lot of flexibility and convenience. For someone who is getting recertified for a topic that already has had training for, I think online learning gives the student the quick and easy access to information in order to stay updated.