Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Google Map Lesson

How sweet is new knowledge. I absolutely love learning new tools each week. This is not only great for education, but for planning my trips too. :) It is so simple to change the map around yet I never new until today. Anyways.....

My map is the beginning of a map that I would like my students to complete in my lesson. I am a PE teacher so of course I will try to keep it full of exercise and health. They need to edit a map to show where they go or would like to go for fun recreation. In the description area they need to add what they would do at the fun recreation area. In my map I have also included some of my favorite places to eat that offer healthy choices on the menu. Depending on what they are learning in other subjects we could use this lesson as an integrated lesson. For example with a geography class that is studing Europe, I would assign each person a part of Europe or they all could use all of Europe in their research that they would have to display on their map. However, I just picked some places around my city to use on my map. Whatever area you chose, you can get everyone to save their maps on del.icio.us or in their Google Maps for future reference.

Google Map - Exercise and Healthy Eating
Located on the right lower side of blog.


Ms. S said...

Hi Jacqueline,

Bravo on the PE idea for google map!! I never would have come up with it, but it makes complete sense. With the big push for students to truly adapt a healthy lifestyle, your lesson personalizes that focus. As an English teacher I was really set back on this one for awhile, but I feel the same way about new tools. Availability of enough computers seems to be a hurdle that I constantly have to jump, but when I get the opportunity I'm always excited about putting a tech twist on content. Before long, my creativity did take over and I found a pretty good application, involving classic literature, no less. Thanks for your ideas and insight.

Chris S.

Patricia said...


I really appreciated your idea for a Google map. Being a health and fitness conscience person, I was intrigued by your post. Interestingly, I just read this month's issue of "Extraordinary Health". The front cover, you might appreciate. There is a red, white, and blue bus with the inscription, " Perfect Weight, America Hits the Road".
You must know, I also get excited about integrated lessons. I share your excitement about learning new tools, this week was especially fun. It's amazing how much we take from our class/studies and generalize such to our "real world". Nice post!